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End of the road in sight for Microsoft Windows XP

If your computer uses Microsoft’s Windows XP operating system, and you are not prepared, you may be in for a shock, come next spring. Next spring, on April 8, 2014, Microsoft will end all support for its still widely-used Windows XP operating system. That means...

Watch out for the big upsell

Computers, in all their forms, like laptops, tablets and smartphones, are big sellers during the Christmas shopping season and this year looks to be no exception. But, if you think retailers will be making huge profits off these sales, think again; the biggest profits...

Locking down your online messages, Part 2

Last week we looked at Steps 1-5 of how can normal computer users can protect themselves against Internet criminals who use online messaging systems, such as email. This week, we continue with Steps 5-7. 5) Having a good antivirus program installed and running is...

Locking down your online messages, Part 1

How can normal computer users protect themselves against Internet criminals who use online messaging systems, such as email? Is such a goal even attainable? Yes, with some effort and a little learning, online messaging security is possible. Perfect security and super...

Protecting your messages from Internet crooks

My past two columns have dealt with the mechanics of electronic communications across the Internet, such as email. A basic understanding of how email really works, what usernames and passwords are good for and where your messages go before reaching their destination...