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If you use a computer, wow, have I got a good deal for you: come to the library next week and I will teach you how to keep the Internet bad guys out of your life, for free.

That’s right; next Tuesday, June 21, 2011, at 6:30 p.m., be at the Norman Public library to take my free class on computer and Internet security. In it, I will give you the knowledge and access to the tools that will help you fight the Internet bad guys and win. Reserve your seat by calling the library at (405) 701-2697, or visit their website at www.pioneer.lib.ok.us/nortop for more information. If you’ve taken my class before, come take it again; it’s changed a lot over the past year.

“Why should I care about Internet bad guys?” you may say. “All I ever do with my computer is read email, surf websites and buy things on eBay and I’ve never had a problem. Besides, there’s nothing important on my computer.”

As Master Po would say in the Kung Fu TV series, “Clearly, young grasshopper, you have much to learn.”

Viruses on the Internet are like tornados in the Midwest; odds are, you can go a long time without ever being hit, but smart people prepare, anyway. As the Bible says (New Living Translation), “A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences (Proverbs 27:12).”

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying anyone is a simpleton, but if you think that all you need to be safe on the Internet is an antivirus program, well… you need more. The sad truth is, millions of perfectly intelligent people are ripped off of hundreds of billions of dollars every year, and all they ever did was click on the wrong thing at the wrong time. It’s not a matter of intelligence; it’s a matter of education.

Come take my class and learn how to be safe on the Internet. Learn how to fight the Internet bad guys and win; you’ll be glad you did.

In the mean time, enjoy taking my little computer security quiz, found below; answer true or false to each statement.

I once gave this quiz to a large number of employees at one of our state government’s largest agencies. I was floored at how many employees gave the wrong answer to every single quiz statement. I was equally shocked at the huge number that gave wrong answers to 50% of the statements. These are people who use computers every day and are charged with protecting and making the best use of our state tax dollars. Yikes!

Dave Moore’s Computer Security Quiz. Answer true or false to each statement.

1. I don’t worry too much about computer security because I have nothing to hide, and there’s nothing important on my computer.

2. I don’t worry too much about computer security because I have an antivirus program.

3. I open email attachments without knowing what they really are.

4. I like to download and install songs, videos, games and screensavers from the Internet, and I never check beforehand to see if they are safe.

5. I like clicking on things to see if I’ve won a prize, such as a free laptop or iPod.

6. I like instant messaging, and think that it’s fun when strangers send me website links, screensavers, backgrounds or free games.

7. I know that there’s nothing important on my computer, because I delete files and then empty the recycle bin.

8. I don’t have my email password memorized.

9. I have my email password memorized, because I made it a word that’s easy for me to remember.

10. I practice safe Internet surfing by emptying my browser cache after visiting gambling and porno websites.

11. When I received an email from my bank telling me that I needed to verify my password, I was glad that they were looking out for my safety.

12. I don’t have a password for my wireless network. That makes it easier to use.

13. I like to open and read spam email, just to see how fake it is.

14. If an email attachment is from someone that I know, then it’s probably safe.