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How to buy a new computer

A fellow columnist recently sought my advice, feeling the need to buy a new computer after milking the old one for all that it was worth. My standards for replacing old computers are simple: (1) will the old computer have good performance running a valid, modern...

How to backup your files

After viewing the article that I wrote titled “Are you obeying new e-records rules?”, a faithful reader suggested that I write an article about how to backup ones computer files. Even though I wrote an article last July titled “Back it up before it breaks,” the...

What’s up with Web 2.0?

Take words like blogs, wikis, folksonomies, RSS feeds, client-side, web-based, server-side, social network, SaaS, rich Internet, podcasting, P2P, MySpace, open source, mashup, YouTube and a boatload of other recently-invented acronyms and buzzwords, stir them together...