(405) 919-9901

Get some free computer education

I am honored that our local library has asked me to teach a class on computer and Internet security. Call 701-2620 for more information. The class will be held February 26 at 6:30 p.m., and will last for two hours. If you’ve never witnessed a password cracking...

Physical security just as important as antivirus software

Across my desk this week came the story of the theft of a laptop computer and digital camera from a high school teacher’s locked filing cabinet, which brought to mind the fact that the physical security of our digital devices is just as important as having...

Identity theft crooks getting smarter

I had the opportunity this week to attend an excellent seminar dealing with the subject of identity theft. Just in case you’ve been living in a cave for the past few years, and haven’t heard of identity theft, you might want to read a previous article that...

Beware of Super Bowl scams

Super Bowl XLII will soon be upon us. February 3, an estimated 73,000 people will descend upon Arizona’s University of Phoenix stadium to attend one of the most rigidly secured events in history. Local and federal law enforcement agencies will be using every...

Online dating: fun, addictive, creepy

A friend has been encouraging me for months to join the Internet online dating scene; she met her current boyfriend through an online dating site, and he is a genuinely nice man. She knew that I was looking for a little companionship in my life, and even once hooked...