(405) 919-9901

Just when I think that I’ve seen it all

I am honored once again to have been asked to teach a computer class at the Norman Public Library. Beginning Thursday evening, September 10 at 6:30 pm, I and whoever chooses to attend will dive headfirst into the dark underworld of computer and Internet security. It’s...

Retiring Old Faithful

While many people prematurely get rid of perfectly good computers, the time can come when the point of diminishing returns has been reached. Generally speaking, this is when the amount of money spent rebuilding “Old Faithful” comes close to or equals what...

Clueless lawmakers attack the Internet

From the “Eternal Vigilance” department comes a report called, “iAWFUL (The Internet Advocates’ Watchlist for Ugly Laws).” Released by the Internet commerce group Netchoice (www.netchoice.org), the report is a Top Ten list of ridiculous...

Netbooks are cool

Sure, everyone has heard of notebook computers (AKA, laptops), but how about “netbook” computers? These diminutive descendents of full-size laptop computers are becoming all the rage, doing exactly what many people need a portable computer to do....

I got hacked! Well, almost…

Sometimes, my job takes me to some very strange places on the Internet. I read all sorts of stories, some true, some bogus. I visit many websites, some safe, some dangerous. Tonight, while researching the “hackability” of a popular program used in many...