(405) 919-9901

Tech accessories make great gifts

Just because someone has cool tech doesn’t mean that’s the end of the story. The next step is to accessorize that cool tech with useful add-ons that can bring new functionality and protection. There’s nothing wrong with sometimes adding silly bling,...

Enjoy safe holiday shopping on the Internet

Every year about this time I have to reassess the Internet Christmas shopping situation. Billions of dollars in electronic form are flying down wires, through the air and across the Internet, more this time of year than any other. This keeps the Internet bad guys...

Which tablet computer should Santa bring?

Tis the season to give tech, and all of Santa’s boys and girls perk up at the thought of a new, shiny tablet computer. Choosing which tablet to give can be a confusing foray into a deep pit of advertising hype, though, as the market seems flooded with a jillion...

Learn how to drive your ever-changing computer

To be effectual at my job as a “computer guy,” I have to be constantly learning. Just when I think I’ve seen it all, something new comes along, forcing me in a new direction. New problems, new solutions and new ways of doing things: that’s life...

FTC exposes tech support phone call scams

If someone called you on the phone, said they were from the “Windows Technical Department” and claimed they needed to remotely repair your computer because it had been hacked, would you believe them? Numerous customers have been telling me stories similar...