(405) 919-9901

Dave’s Three Immutable Laws of Hacking

I am using this week’s column as an opportunity to announce three “laws” that are so obvious to me I’m surprised nobody has announced them before. If they have been announced before, I can’t find them. Therefore, here I go. Behold, the worldwide introduction of Dave’s...

FBI says “reboot your router”

The FBI has issued a threat alert regarding over 500,000 infected home and small business routers, and offers a simple way to begin fixing the problem: reboot your network router. The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, on May 25, 2018, by way of the Internet Crime...

Download your personal Google and Facebook files

Be sure to visit the Norman Public Library Downtown branch Wednesday, May 23, at 6pm. A special discussion about “Facebook, Privacy and You,” will be held, and is sure to be a good one. Call (405) 701-2697 to register. Remember last week’s column on...

Once on Facebook, always on Facebook

It’s called “digital permanence,” the idea that once something is uploaded, posted, published or otherwise “put on” the Internet, it will be there forever. “What goes on the Internet, stays on the Internet.” Videos, blogs,...

Backing up home and small business computers

Would you put a firecracker in your hand, light the fuse and then simply watch the fuse burn down until the firecracker exploded in your hand? You know the firecracker is going to explode and hurt your hand. Why would you not do something to prevent that from...