(405) 919-9901

When in doubt, reboot!

Experienced users of Microsoft Windows are used to the idea of “rebooting” their computers.  Often called “restarting,” the process is akin to turning off your car, and then starting it up again. If you spend much time fiddling about with your computer, such as...

End of the road for Windows 98, ME

Many of the mostly-adult age class remember the introduction of Microsoft’s Windows 98 operating system.  Originally slated as “Windows 97,” programming problems at Microsoft kept delaying the release date until the product was finally introduced a year later as...

Internet vigilantes keep things interesting

So-called Internet “vigilantes” are certainly an interesting bunch.  It’s no secret that law enforcement agencies in every country are completely overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of Internet bad guys, both within their own borders, and outside of their jurisdictions. ...

Elders of the Internet, arise!

As I was preparing to push the button on the self-help machine at the local post office, I heard a voice over my shoulder.  “Do you need some help with that?” came an impatient, young female voice.  I turned to see the face associated with the voice, as the...

Say no to email snoops

Have you ever read a message on a postcard that was not addressed to you?  It was right there, in the open, so, how could it have been avoided?  Maybe, at least once in your life, you’ve held an envelope up to the light, hoping to read its contents.  Perhaps you were...