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Your password is “Bob?” Really?

I’ll never forget the first computer repair job for which I actually got paid. My customer, a fellow named Bob, had one of the slowest computers I’d ever seen. He was stuck in endless cycles of click, and then, wait, wait, wait. I asked how long it had been since he’d...

Fight the Internet bad guys and win

If you use a computer, wow, have I got a good deal for you: come to the library next week and I will teach you how to keep the Internet bad guys out of your life, for free. That’s right; next Tuesday, June 21, 2011, at 6:30 p.m., be at the Norman Public library to...

Where’s my email?

Next to surfing websites, email remains the second most popular Internet function. While it may soon be eclipsed by social networking forums offering instant messaging, people still love their email. All that’s left is for folks to understand how email actually works....

What’s your computer disaster plan?

Recent viewings of the popular HBO series “Treme” brought to mind the importance of preparation in the face of inevitable disaster. “Treme” traces the lives of New Orleanians in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Remember Katrina? I do. Katrina was the 2005 hurricane that...

Time to Ask the Geeks, face to face

Learning things from the Internet is great and reading how-to books is wonderful, but how many times have you wished that you had a real person to hear and answer your computer questions? Next Tuesday, April 19, 6:30 p.m. at the Norman Public Library is your...