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Cell phones, the new hacking frontier

Unless you’ve been living on Pluto for the past 20 years, you probably know that computers need to be protected from the dangers of the Internet. It doesn’t matter if it’s a desktop or laptop computer, the same protections are needed. But, what about that computer you...

A website is attacking me! What do I do?

Most of us are usually able to mindlessly click our way around the Internet without considering the potential hazards behind every click. That’s a good thing; if every click on the Internet meant a virus would infect your computer, nobody would ever go there. Odds are...

Delete your files or give them away

Hard-core readers of this column may recall one I wrote back in 2005 titled Computer Forensics 101 (it’s on my website). In it, I described how difficult it can be to truly erase a file from your computer. Simply “deleting” a file and emptying the “Recycle Bin” will...