(405) 919-9901

Bad guys phishing for cash

I recently received an email from my bank, notifying me that they were upgrading their security systems, and that my account information needed to be updated. The email included a convenient link which took me directly to my bank’s website. No problem, I thought, so I...

What is a computer “drive,” anyway?

Computer folks often throw around words, terms and acronyms assuming everyone else knows what they mean. I recently learned that’s a bad assumption, though, as a customer discussing backing up files to an external hard drive remarked, “You know, I don’t think I really...

Scrapping your old computer

I once watched someone walk out of the back of a local downtown business and throw a computer in a dumpster; monitor, keyboard, mouse and all. As highly dignified and refined as I am, I have been known to occasionally insert my entire body into large trash receptacles...

Test your online safety knowledge

Too many people fail to take the subject of online Internet safety and security seriously in advance of a catastrophe. That’s a shame, because taking basic, simple precautions now can pay big dividends in the future. People who’ve lost everything to a hard drive...

Roll the dice for secure passwords

If you’ve followed this column for any length of time, you’ve read my rants, warnings and exhortations regarding passwords. In a nutshell, computer and Internet account passwords (email, Facebook, Twitter, banking, Amazon, etc.) need to be sufficiently...