(405) 919-9901

Caller ID may be lying to you

Have you ever received a phone call from a telemarketer who became rude and abusive when you refused to listen to their sales pitch? Who hasn’t? Have you ever tried to report them to their superiors by calling the number that appeared on your Caller ID, only to...

Avoiding the real fake news stories

10 things should know about Kim Kardashian! Insane card offers 0% APR! 26 hot moms you can’t unsee! The best bacon in America! In the class I teach about Internet safety called “Fight the Internet bad guys and win,” I recently felt the need to add a...

Bad guys steal NSA hacker tools, attack the world

Like a chapter from some cheesy spy novel, the story behind the global “WannaCry” ransomware attacks that began in Europe May 12 is so incredulous that many people will refuse to believe it. Yet, an obstinate refusal to acknowledge the dangers of the...

Beware of fake Flash Player, Firefox updates

Not long ago, I was surfing the website of a popular local publication, reading stories and other items that interested me, when a new page suddenly appeared with an official-looking notice that said, “Attention! It is recommended that you download Flash Player...

Bad weather emergency communications and power, 2017

Every springtime, I reassess the electronics communications gear that is available to help Oklahomans prevail in difficult, severe weather situations. Electronics manufacturers change, replace and discontinue things all the time, and so, every year I take a fresh look...