(405) 919-9901

Where does your email go, and who reads it?

Last week we looked at what happens behind the scenes when you sign-in to an Internet-based account, whether email, banking, shopping, etc. To summarize, your username and password fly across the Internet in the blink of an eye, knock on the door of your provider and...

Beware of fake Flash Player updates

Not long ago, I was surfing the website of a popular local publication, reading stories and other items that interested me, when a new page suddenly appeared with an official-looking notice that said, “Attention! It is recommended that you download Flash Player...

Update or get hacked; it’s your choice

I fix a lot of computers that have been filled with viruses, with the owners often clueless as to how they got in trouble, to begin with. A common thread I see running through most of these repairs is the failure of the owners to keep their computers updated....

Turn off your computer every day

I saw something very strange last week. My across-the-street neighbor walked out of his house, got in his car, started it up, and then went back inside. Maybe that would not seem strange in the winter season, as many people like to “warm up” their car...