(405) 919-9901

When websites attack

Most of us are usually able to mindlessly click our way around the Internet without considering the potential hazards behind every click. That’s a good thing; if every click on the Internet meant a virus would infect your computer, nobody would ever go there. Odds are...

Detecting email scams

Email anti-spam filters are often pretty bad at protecting email users. They let bad email through and block good messages with such regularity that I don’t really include them as part of my overall Internet safety strategy. The spam filters that come along with...

Are you spamming your friends?

“You are sending me spam email,” I recently wrote to one of my customers. Of course, he had no idea he had sent me an email promoting assorted “enhancement” products, but, nonetheless, that’s what happened. He also had no idea he had sent...

When good computers go bad

“What happened to my computer? What made it stop working?” I hear this sort of question all the time. Sometimes, I have a logical, easy-to-understand answer. Other times, my answer sounds something like this: “I know it sounds crazy, but, sometimes, Microsoft Windows...

How do you email?

How do you “do” your email? Do you use a dedicated email program, or do you visit a website and “do” your email there? It seems like I ask this question of a customer at least once or twice a week. They call me, wondering about a particular...