(405) 919-9901

When the hard drives hit the fan

What do you do when your house has been smashed into a pile of rubble by a massive killer tornado? If you are like most folks, you try to gather what’s left of your “stuff” and move on. What do you do, however, if your computer has been crushed by...

“Careful where you click” still the best advice

If you can’t trust visiting the U.S. government’s Department of Labor website, what on the Internet can you trust? I asked a similar question in March, 2011, in my column titled, “Careful where you click,” as I wondered, “Who would think...

Basic antivirus rules

Few computer users remain who don’t know their computer should have some sort of antivirus protection. Whether it’s a Windows PC or a once-thought-to-be-immune Apple Mac, good antivirus protection is a must-have. Like most things related to computer safety...

You need another computer

I do not trust computers. Let me rephrase that; I trust computers, but only to do one thing: fail. Computers of all types, whether desktop, laptop, iPhone, tablet, PC, Mac, Android, iPad, cellphone or TV (yes, Virginia, most modern televisions are computers), are...

Basic antivirus rules

Few computer users remain who don’t know their computer should have some sort of antivirus protection. Whether it’s a Windows PC or a once-thought-to-be-immune Apple Mac, good antivirus protection is a must-have. Like most things related to computer safety...