(405) 919-9901

Time’s up: end of life for Microsoft Windows Vista, Office 2003

If your computer uses Microsoft’s Windows Vista operating system or Microsoft’s Office 2003 productivity suite, and you are not prepared, you may be in for a shock in two weeks. Next month, on April 11, 2017, Microsoft will end all support for its still...

How an Internet cloud crashed

While discussing things of the Internet, somebody once asked me, “Do I need a cloud?” This question showed me once again how misunderstood the entire “cloud” concept is as regards the Internet, misunderstood even by so-called experts who really...

Online safety, Step One: antivirus

Few computer users remain who don’t know their computer should have some sort of antivirus protection. Whether it’s a Windows PC or a once-thought-to-be-immune Apple Mac, good antivirus protection is a must-have. Like most things related to computer safety...

Fake phone calls, fake popups, fake search results

Many times per week, sometimes many times a day, I get phone calls from concerned folks telling me the same story. The story starts with, “I got a call from Microsoft…” But, sometimes, the story begins with, “A message from Microsoft popped up on my...

Guard your life by blocking Internet tracking, Part 2

Last week, we looked at the current state of Internet tracking, where companies spy on your physical location and record your activities, building profiles on you that can be used for both good and bad purposes. Coincidentally, since then, in a suit brought by the...